Effect of Excessive Screen Time on Children Today
The last century has seen the greatest of inventions and technological advancements. Along with the technological advancements came a lot of inventions that can be argued by the parents, whether their inventions are a boon or curse to the human civilization. Some of them include television, Mobile phones, laptops, tablets because all of these inventions have one thing in common that they all have a screen, which is their prime motto i.e to give the viewer a visual treat and also to display the requested information. But these screens of these devices have become a serious threat to the eyes and hence to the visual ability of children of all age groups. Technically, the sedentary activity and being physically inactive while sitting down in front of a television, computer, laptop or smartphone can be referred to as “screen time”. The increased access to the new digital media devices has contributed to a rapid rise in the average screen time exposure for children. Total daily scre...