Nutritional Needs Of A Preschooler - Cambridge School Noida


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Children of age 3-5 years come under the category of preschoolers. This age is very tender and crucial both in terms of learning and growth and development of a child. It is necessary that teachers and parents both take care of the nutritional needs of a child. Parents usually treat their children with snacks and sweets out of love and care. Teachers also reward children with treats to encourage them to study. But all this love and care make them habitual of junk food and they start to avoid nutritious food such as salads, vegetables, fruits, and juices. In order to keep children healthy, we should inculcate healthy eating habits from the beginning their growing years. Teachers and parents must encourage them to eat healthily and prepare a balanced diet chart.

A specific meal chart should be prepared for preschoolers according to the individual needs and requirements of the child. Like adults, children also have their favorites and they prefer eating their favorite dishes all the time. Due to this, the nutritional needs of the child are not complete that causes deficiency of vitamins and minerals that further causes diseases in them. In order to maintain sound health in children, one must evaluate their nutritional needs by taking pediatrics’ opinions for better results.

Some tips to improve eating habits in children

- Plan a well-balanced diet for your child by limiting unplanned eating with scheduled timely eating. This will keep them in routine and unnecessary snacking can be avoided.

- Teach them some table manners. Parents often let their children eat while playing or watching television which is not a good habit and one must avoid such eating habits. Further, parents must discourage children to play with food.

- Make a meal chart that is full of variety so that the child doesn’t get bored with the monotonous meal. Try to make some unique and tasty recipes, if your child is a picky eater. Further, educate your child with the facts and benefits of eating vegetables, nuts, fruits, and juices in a way that they get encouraged to follow healthy eating habits.

- Give your child meals according to their needs, which mean that one should not let them overeat if they like some meal more. When children overeat they tend to gain weight over the time and suffer from stomach aches too. Parents should also keep in mind that if the child feels full and is refusing to eat, then in that case they must not force them to finish their meal.

- Maintain a good balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals in their meals so that they get complete nutrition. Any deficiency of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals might become a cause of some deficiency disease in the child.            

Cambridge School Noida is one of the best schools in Noida, famous for its academic excellence and co-curricular activities as well. We try to inculcate all the good habits ethics and mannerism in order to provide the overall development of a child. Our nursery school in Noida is famous for our approach that we use to impart education in preschoolers keeping their overall development in focus. Our nursery admission for the session 2022-23 in Noida is now open.  Register today



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